Not only do I now have a weblog (or, if you will, "blog", because people need abbreviated terms), but I use it to post ridiculous Youtube videos. Like this gem:
My mom's the one playing keyboards and singing backup at about 0:55.
Of course, there's more than one type of video that can be posted. There's also the obscure commercial from way back when:
Now, I surely wasn't around when that commercial aired. Hell, I don't even ever recall eating Count Chocula. I do, however, remember seeing Boo Berry and Frankenberry on the shelves and in commercials. And the time when there were three chefs selling Cinnamon Toast Crunch:
They must have downsized. I won't make any jokes about them dying because, well, that's my childhood, and that's one of the things that's off limits in my book. I'd like to retain at least some of my childhood innocence.
Now of course, one type of video posting that's relevant to me is bike videos:
For the uninformed, that's a pump track. My roommate Kevin and I (and a tiny bit of help from others) are currently building one in our super secret visible location. It's nowhere near as big as that one, but we're just getting started.
In the process of building the track (which we've dubbed "The Fountain" for obvious reasons... well, obvious if you've seen it), I've discovered that people have a tremendous desire to name things. The first berm we built is campfire, the second is brickside. The third feature is a large hip/berm, that got the name "the happy hip" after I spraypainted a smiley face onto it with marking paint. The funny thing about these names is that no one will really get it. The smiley face will fade away. The other names are only obvious because we built the whole damn thing, and we know what it was like before There are bricks used as a support for one berm, and the other was built around what appeared to be a fire pit. Rest assured, when it's done, I'll post videos of us riding it too.
Finally, there's the music video:
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