Thursday, December 13, 2007

Absolute Ego Dance

Eight posts, and I doubt anyone's actually reading. Unless they receive an email from me. For some reason, I deemed it necessary to include the URL to this "blog" in the signature of my email.

That short paragraph made me die a little on the inside.

For me, setting things aflame would be an ancillary benefit of having a blowtorch. What I really want to do is make crème brûlée. Or brown meringue. I saw Martha Stewart once brown the top of a lemon meringue pie with a blow torch. Awesome. Bread pudding is another thing I'd like to learn to make. That one doesn't seem as hard, as it doesn't involve making custard. And quiche. I've recently become reacquainted with quiche in all of its fattening goodness. Trader Joe's has some inexpensive frozen quiche that tastes tasty.

You just wasted a small portion of your life. I'm only writing this because I've had a couple ciders. It's cider season for me, by the way. No more beer for a while.

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