Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh, Ben Stein...

...I have lost all respect for you. Why are you backing Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed? Do you really believe that creat - excuse me - proponents of 'intelligent design' (none of whom, by the way, are really scientists) are being discriminated against in the scientific community? That's tantamount to making a claim that black people in America are less discriminated against than white people.

Do you know why intelligent design isn't (or at least should never be) included in science curricula? BECAUSE IT ISN'T SCIENCE. Science can be measured. Science can be observed and inferred from observation. Science is tangible and logical. Intelligent design has none of these qualities. Essentially, it's just stating "well, life is too complex to have come about on its own, so God must have planned it."

I agree that the universe (biological or otherwise) is complex, and that there might have been some divine will in shaping the cosmos. I won't go around teaching that to people though, because that's my belief, and it can neither be proven nor disproven. I think Stan Marsh put it best when he said that evolution is the how and not the why. Science is about what's concrete, not ideological beliefs. Science is about the how.

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