Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Selling bike parts to make money is a losing proposition.

You end up selling stuff you're unjustifiably attached to and using the money to buy new things that you're either going to break or become unjustifiably attached to and end up selling.

The circle is unending.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Bike Parts

Life happens too fast to keep up on blogging. At least I've got my priorities straight. I think. I should probably put biking higher up on the list (at least in front of trying to procure new bikes) to preserve some semblance of sanity, but for the time being I still get out now and again.

I may have had something actually interesting to say; however, if I did, I have temporarily forgotten it. I'm more preoccupied with the fact that linen slacks are the most comfortable thing ever.

End transmission.