Saturday, October 17, 2009

This is why I don't generally agree with 'activism'. They listen to rhetoric and propaganda without fully understanding fully the implications. These people are demanding that something they don't condone be shut down, yet they aren't providing anything by which to make up for the power generation capabilities lost. "'This station is going to be open for the next 30 years under current plans, but science says we have to start decommissioning power stations as soon as possible.'" Science says? Really?

Yes, I agree that coal power sucks. Yes, I'm fully aware of the fact that humankind is affecting the climate and we need to do something radical. But until we have the infrastructure in place to make up for the power that would be lost by decommissioning these plants, we have to make do with what we have.

Here's a radical thought: instead of trying to destroy power plants or things you don't agree with, why don't you get people to try and reduce the amount of energy they consume? Instead of spending the time, money, resources, and energy in an attempt to "upset the establishment," use those things to try and do something constructive.

This plea falls on deaf ears I'm afraid; however, this fact alone won't stop me from doing all that I can.