I'm not one to brag about fancy gadgets usually, but I recently acquired an awesome new phone:
I have to admit, it's pretty awesome. Especially considering I didn't pay anything for it (thanks Corey!). I think I need to get a hard case or something for it, though; I'm afraid I'll break it. Fortunately I still have my old phone to bring with me should I decide to go for a bike ride or something like that. Ah, the beauty of SIM cards.
On the subject of gadgets, I recently discovered that the iPod Shuffle has been cut in price to $50. The Shuffle, if I may say so, is really awesome. I've crashed on it (no really, it was sandwiched between the ground and my chest), and it never skipped a beat. The charger isn't quite as robust, but nevertheless it's awesome. I've needed to get a new charger for a while, but they're $20, so why not spend the extra $30 and get another iPod Shuffle? I think I could make use of it. Plus, I could buy an orange one to complement my blue one.
I think my room is going to get more crowded soon. I've decided that I don't really want to sell any of my bikes, so I'm going to find new storage solutions instead. I think that I can fit one on the wall above my desk, one on the wall above my mantle, and one directly above my bed, all using some kind of hoist. It's only a matter of time before my room looks like a bike shop.
Speaking of bike shops (and I think this is the second to last bit of my disjointed series of unrelated, disjointed paragraphs... dis... jointed... disjointed), I'm a bit confused about the thought processes of people who buy things for their bikes. Working in a shop, I see all kinds of things coming through, including (but not limited to) mismatched brake levers and brakes (i.e. v-brakes with regular rat trap drop bar levers - not s'posed to work together), 6-speed freewheels with 7-speed shifters (that goes without saying), the whole 27" vs. 700c wheel thing (and the associated brake problems), cranks on the wrong size/taper bottom bracket, etc. I mean, it's not like people order the wrong parts for their cars on the internet... right?
Wait... yeah, it all makes sense now.
Lastly, spring break is this week. I'm working at least on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so someone should get in touch with me and hang out.
I still don't know if anyone reads this.