Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Selling bike parts to make money is a losing proposition.

You end up selling stuff you're unjustifiably attached to and using the money to buy new things that you're either going to break or become unjustifiably attached to and end up selling.

The circle is unending.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Bike Parts

Life happens too fast to keep up on blogging. At least I've got my priorities straight. I think. I should probably put biking higher up on the list (at least in front of trying to procure new bikes) to preserve some semblance of sanity, but for the time being I still get out now and again.

I may have had something actually interesting to say; however, if I did, I have temporarily forgotten it. I'm more preoccupied with the fact that linen slacks are the most comfortable thing ever.

End transmission.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


This is why I don't generally agree with 'activism'. They listen to rhetoric and propaganda without fully understanding fully the implications. These people are demanding that something they don't condone be shut down, yet they aren't providing anything by which to make up for the power generation capabilities lost. "'This station is going to be open for the next 30 years under current plans, but science says we have to start decommissioning power stations as soon as possible.'" Science says? Really?

Yes, I agree that coal power sucks. Yes, I'm fully aware of the fact that humankind is affecting the climate and we need to do something radical. But until we have the infrastructure in place to make up for the power that would be lost by decommissioning these plants, we have to make do with what we have.

Here's a radical thought: instead of trying to destroy power plants or things you don't agree with, why don't you get people to try and reduce the amount of energy they consume? Instead of spending the time, money, resources, and energy in an attempt to "upset the establishment," use those things to try and do something constructive.

This plea falls on deaf ears I'm afraid; however, this fact alone won't stop me from doing all that I can.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

While I don't think I ever heard the Bamboo Music/Bamboo Houses EP at any point growing up, my parents definitely did listen to things like YMO, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Japan quite a bit. Other commonly heard bands/artists were things like the Cure, Thomas Dolby, the Clash, the Specials, the English Beat, and many other things like that. Did I mention that my mom played keyboard in a new wave band? 'Cause she did.

Today marks the eighth day of my foray into veganism. It's going well so far, partly due to the fact that I know a couple of girls who can bake tasty vegan treats, and partly because I work across the street from Essene, a natural/organic/hippie/super expensive grocery store that has a good selection of food that meets my dietary needs. I suppose the reasons for me doing this are have a steadier diet so I don't get sick while racing and to lose the last couple of pounds to drop below 200. There's also the whole moral/environmental schpiel, but those are secondary perks. Let's see how long this lasts, I'm pretty serious about keeping it up.

Well, I'm going to go for a long mountain bike ride. After breakfast. Smoothie!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I feel like someone has his boot pressed firmly against my chest. At some point yesterday morning, my ribcage became really sore, so much so that it actually became painful to breathe. This happened once before in high school - apparently, I had some kind of inflammation in the tendons of my ribs due to a viral infection or something. Since it was viral, the doctors at the hospital couldn't give me antibiotics, so they told me to go home and take some ibuprofen. It feels better than it did yesterday and I can breathe a little easier, but it still sucks. At least I slept until 1:00. I love having days off where I can sleep for twelve hours.

I probably shouldn't mention this, but I've never actually listened to the Downward Spiral in its entirety. I usually started at March of the Pigs because that song is awesome. I'm a bad, bad man.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Last night, some fuckwad stole one of the roof rack trays from my car. It was locked, too, so I've no idea how they got it off. Fuck this city. At least they got the tray that was a little wonky. I hope that the thief uses it and his bike falls off, only to be smashed by a semi or go flying off a bridge or something righteous like that.

In other news, to increase my real estate holdings on the internet, I've created a new blog. This one is dedicated solely to bike racing. Danville tomorrow! Get stoked!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yesterday, I managed to get up early enough to drive out to Blue Marsh Lake with my friend John and a couple of guys from the Guys team. There's a 30-mile loop with some pretty good XC riding. Nothing terribly technical, but there's a couple of good climbs in there. I still suck at climbing, but nevertheless managed to complete the course in 2:45, which is a hell of an improvement over the 5+ hour time from last year. Granted, I was riding a single speed that time around, but I've still improved greatly. I still had some energy left, and I know that if I absolutely had to, I could have gone out for a second 22-mile loop, especially if I restrained myself a little more. This bodes well for the Stupid 50 in three weeks, especially if I can drop a couple of pounds by then.

I just have to remember to bring sunscreen.

Iron Hill next weekend! I wish I had someone to sucker into being my race support and handing me bottles after every lap. I've still got time to coax someone into doing that...